A Mother’s Love: A Gift More Precious Than Mon

Family disagreements over how to divide up a deceased loved one's possessions are all too prevalent. Tension and struggle might arise among the inheritors when these disputes go deep. In today's heartwarming tale, we hear of a lady who encountered just such a predicament when her mother died away, leaving behind a substantial bequest.


An Intimate Connection
In the first moments of her narrative, the protagonist contemplates the profound connection she had with her mother. She stepped up to the plate without hesitation to help her mother through her cancer fight.


In addition to being my mother, my mom was also my closest confidante. As she battled this sickness, the lady wished she could have been at her side every step of the way.

Anger and Impartiality
No one in the family was quite as committed, however. It appeared like the woman's aunts and the woman's avaricious brother only showed up when they wanted money. One such incidence occurred when an aunt brazenly asked her mother, who was terminally sick, for assistance in finding a new residence. The sheer level of brazenness was astounding!