How to remove dust mites and bed bugs from your mattress naturally

Mix one cup of water with ten to fifteen drops of the essential oil of your choice in a spray bottle.
Be careful not to get the mattress too wet when you softly mist it.
Before you make the bed, make sure the mattress is completely dry.
Third, use steam to clean; the high heat will kill any pests, including bedbugs and dust mites, and even their eggs.

A User's Guide:


Scrub the whole mattress with a handheld steam cleaner, paying special attention to the folds, corners, and other hard-to-reach areas.
Bedding should not be placed on a wet mattress until it has dried completely.
Hot water (130°F/55°C) and a hot dryer will kill the pests.
Keep the relative humidity below 50% with the help of a dehumidifier.
Pay special attention to the mattresses and their immediate vicinity; for extra protection, use mattress coverings.
4. Keeping Insects At Bay in the Future


The best way to keep bugs out of your mattress and pillows is to get hypoallergenic coverings with zippers.
To keep your mattress, bed frame, and other surrounding surfaces free of dust, skin cells, and pests, vacuum them periodically.
Make it more difficult for bedbugs to hide by clearing the area around your bed.