Dust mites are tiny creatures that thrive in humid, warm environments. Mattresses, pillows, and carpets provide an ideal habitat for these pests because they feed on dead skin cells produced by people and other animals. The reddish-brown insects known as bedbugs feed on the blood of both humans and animals. In particular, they prefer to hide in cracks and behind cushions, such as on a bed. Anxiety and trouble sleeping are common side effects of bedbug bites, which often create red, itching welts.
How Do They Infiltrate a Bed?
First, Sodium Bicarbonate, or Baking Soda:
Baking soda's dehydrating and antibacterial properties make it an effective natural cure for dealing with bedbugs and dust mites.
Due of its ability to absorb moisture, baking soda is not recommended for use with dust mites or bedbugs. It may also help eliminate unpleasant smells caused by excrement.
Instructive Steps:
Before you turn the mattress over for two or three hours, sprinkle it with enough baking soda to cover it.
Use a HEPA-filtered vacuum to get rid of all the baking soda and dead mites.
Get the best results by doing it again in a week or two.
2. Essential oils: As a natural insect repellent, certain essential oils may help ward off pests like bedbugs and dust mites.
Peppermint, lavender, eucalyptus, and tea tree oils are some of the best options.
A User's Guide: